Motherhood blogger Bonnie Way shares her journey of homeschooling and running an online business as part of our series for working homeschool parents.
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Motherhood blogger Bonnie Way shares her journey of homeschooling and running an online business as part of our series for working homeschool parents.
Rowan interviews Lisa Marie Fletcher on the topic of homeschooling and working-in her case, running The Canadian Homeschooler website, several Facebook groups, and an online conference.
Experienced working homeschool mom Rowan Atkinson lays out some foundations for those embarking on homeschooling while working. Crucial advice is given to help prevent burnout and overwhelm.
Jen Mackinnon helps thousands of working homeschool moms with her years of experience and her blog and community at She and Rowan discuss her journey and together they share not only their experiences as working homeschool moms but also some of the challenges and joys.
As part of our professional development series for home educators, this episode on Learning Styles & Strategies will help homeschoolers to teach to the way their students learn. Download a free infographic with a summary of the styles and strategies.
The Charlotte Mason educational method as it applies to homeschooling is discussed in this interview with Cori Dean, a Canadian expert on this method. Learn how homeschoolers can use “living books” , nature study, habit formation and narration to create an education for their children.
Rowan interviews Heather Zwart of OCHEC, an Ontario-wide support network for homeschoolers. Heather shares how this conference came to be- spoiler-OCHEC wanted to make sure parents of exceptional learners were still being supported even when in-person conferences were unable to run during Covid-19. She also lets us know the amazing sessions that are in the lineup.
Learn about the Classical model of education and how it can apply to homeschooling. Hester Van Braeden of Classical Education Books shares her expertise in this interview. This is part of our professional development series for home educators.
Rowan Atkinson continues to explore the concepts of educational professional development as it can apply to the development of home educators. Today we look at a continuous five-phase model which includes mentoring and evaluating our practices.
Rowan explores how the concepts of professional development for educators apply to the home education environment, and encourages homeschoolers that they are worth investing in themselves.
Many people ask homeschoolers if they are qualified to teach their own children, but often what they mean is are they certified teachers. Rowan talks about these concepts on this episode.
Sara shares the story of her stillborn baby in this interview and talks about her family and her book, Kacie’s Pass.
Check out this great resource for Canadian homeschoolers as I interview Stephanie Morrison of the Canadian division of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine.
One of the most common reasons people give why they don’t homeschool when they find out you do, “I don’t have the patience to homeschool,” is the topic of this podcast episode. Does patience just come naturally to homeschoolers? Listen and find out!
The host discusses how to prepare for a guidance appointment to transition your homeschooled child to high school, expecially “mid-stream”. You have your reasons. This will help you know what to expect, what is required of you, and also help you with the mindset and emotional challenges you will face in the process. Go from overwhelm to a plan.